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Are you focused on thriving, beyond surviving, in a disruptive world? Are you, your team or organization, trying to achieve greater agility, resilience, and antifragility? Being able to adapt, recover, and evolve in a seemingly chaotic world is quintessential.


This exploratory event will enable you to clearly distinguish between agility, resilience, and antifragility; recognize where there is and is not more-or-less agility, resilience, and antifragility; and explore how to achieve great agility, resilience, and antifragility.

spotkanie biznesowe


Are you focused on thriving, beyond surviving, in a disruptive world? Are you, your team or organization, trying to work with risk? Being able to work with risk in a seemingly chaotic world is quintessential.


This exploratory event will enable you to clearly distinguish between risk and other related concepts; recognize where there is and is not more-or-less risk; and explore how to work with risk to cultivate more antifragility.


Training & Certification

Coming Soon

Burza mózgów

Consulting Services

Coming Soon

Ludzie Klaskanie

Community of Practitioners

“For a theory is a very dangerous thing to have. And of course one can rigorously do science without it. The key is that the significant can only be revealed through practice. No, we don’t put theories into practice. We create theories out of practice. It is just that things that are implemented tend to want to be born from practice, not theory. There are secrets to our world that only practice can reveal, and no opinion or analysis will ever capture in full.”

(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)


We look forward to collaborating with practitioners to cultivate a community focused on:

  • Embracing various disciplines in both theory and real-life practice,

  • Sharing experiences,

  • Learning from each other,

  • Developing a shared repertoire, and

  • Supporting individuals, teams, and organizations in surviving and thriving in today’s disruptive world.


NOTE: Practitioners don’t merely theorize (hypotheses), market, and train (or certify) others [#LecturingBirdsHowToFly] but actually do practice (experiments). A community involves members who engage and contribute, ultimately experiencing a sense of identity in belong to the community. This is different than people who attend [#Tourists] marketing events (thinly vailed as community events) organized around talking heads or self-proclaimed thought leaders. This is the real deal! [#SkinIntheGame not #LecturingBirdsHowToFly]


Join the community!!!



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